Large and small Suede Leather Sole/ 大小号绒面革鞋底
Suede Leather Sole,large and small, are used in AATCC Test Method 134 Electrostatic Propensity of Carpets. The suede leather soled sandals are used as a secondary reference.The suede leather soled sandals are available in sizes small & large.
AATCC Test Method 134, Electrostatic Propensity of Carpets is designed to assess the static generating propensity of carpets developed when a person walks across them by controlled laboratory simulation of conditions which may be met in practice and more particularly, with respect to those conditions which are known from experience to be strongly contributory to excessive accumulation of static charges. A carpet brought to equilibrium at controlled atmospheric conditions is walked on by a test operator in a specified manner with specified shoe soles and heels.