James-heal. Makeweights/Ballast/Loading Fabrics-European填重布/陪洗布-欧标
填重布也称为陪洗布,它是用于弥补在洗衣(例如 Wascator),干衣(例如Accudry)或耐洗(例如Dynawash)测试时不足的所指定总测试重量。它们用来调整使测试重量能达到要求的总重量。 它们都是按照非常严谨的要求生产,完全符合以下测试标准和测试方法的要求: EN 26330, ISO 6330, IEC 60456, AWI/Woolmark TM31, NEXT, M&S P1A, P1C, P3A, P4, P5A, P6, P7 and C15.
Makeweights, also known as 'Loading Fabrics' or 'Ballast' are used to make up the load in a Washing Machine (eg Wascator), Tumble Dryer (eg Accudry) or Durability Tester (eg Dynawash).
They are used to adjust the load to the required weight in order to eliminate any variability which might be otherwise attributable to this factor.
They are manufactured to a tight and exacting specification and are fully compliant with the requirements of the following standards and test methods: EN 26330, ISO 6330, IEC 60456, AWI/Woolmark TM31, NEXT, M&S P1A, P1C, P3A, P4, P5A, P6, P7 and C15.
Description and Pack Size
Pack (1kg) Polyester Makeweights
Size: 300 x 300 ± 30mm
Weight: 40g (approx)
Complies with EN 26330 : 1994, ISO 6330 : 1984 and Next
Pack (1kg) Polyester Makeweights
Size: 300 x 300 ± 30mm
Weight: 35 ± 3g
Complies with ISO 6330 : 1984, IEC 60456 and AWI/Woolmark TM31
Pack (1kg) Polyester Makeweights
Size : 210 x 210 ± 10mm
Weight: 50 ± 5g
Complies with M & S P1A, P1C, P3A, P4, P4A, P4B, P4C, P5, P5A, P6, P7, C15 and
EN ISO 6330 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2008